And sew...........the journey begins..........
Welcome to the first Seasons of East blog post.
Having recently launched our website and taken our first few steps into the world of social media with a handful of posts on instagram, we are now writing and publishing our first ever blog where we will be sharing our love of everything sewing related and how our sewing journey has culminated in the release of our own independent sewing pattern company.
Our sewing journey began almost a decade ago with a ‘learn to use a sewing machine class’, which was originally intended to be a one off enjoyable evening spent trying something new; a creative activity which was a complete contrast to our hectic day jobs. But despite our reservations that we would even remotely remember how to re-thread a sewing machine, we knew from the moment the class began that this was going to be so much more, and that we had found at the very least a new hobby and at the most a new way of life!
The sheer joy we experienced poring over all the beautiful fabrics and wondering how we would ever be able to choose just one for our first ever handmade item, we soon found ourselves signing up for class after class, immersing ourselves further and further into the world of sewing and getting to grips with a whole new language of grainlines, selvedges, interfacing, understitching, staystitching, blind hems, pin hems; we could go on! We learnt to recognise that telltale sound of when your bobbin is about to run out of thread, mastered using an overlocker (and even the challenge of re-threading it) and started to appreciate the importance of pressing seams as and when instructed.
Once we began to sew in earnest and had a decent amount of wearable garments in our wardrobes we found ourselves able to source and sew patterns that suited our style rather than just our sewing ability. By the time we attended a pattern cutting course, we had many hours and garments under our handmade belts but suddenly our new creative world opened up a little bit more and the possibility of not only sewing our own clothes but actually designing them began to form in our minds.
This became a reality once we decided to put our skills to the test and design one particular dress, the inspiration for which we had discovered sometime before and had always remained with us. We knew in our minds exactly how we wanted this dress to turn out; from the fit of the bodice to the length of the skirt and even the width of the straps, every aspect of the pattern was adjusted and tweaked until it became the version of the dress we had visualised for so long. This went on to become our Summer in London pattern and the rest as they say is history!
Summer in London. Our first ever pattern as a final toile and the finished dress!
We have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of our journey which has led to this point and have so many plans for the future. We can’t wait to see where this will lead but we hope you will join us to find out.
To be continued…………….